Friday, June 6, 2008

A Modern Day Ethnocide

Can one get rid of a nation without being labeled a fascist оr a Nazi? According to the latest example put forth by Greece -- and supported by some EU/NATO members like France -- it can be done!
Last April, three countries were supposed to get a NATO membership invitation; only two of them did - Albania and Croatia. The third, Macedonia, got an ultimatum instead: change your name, i.e., change Macedonia's ethnic identity, and only then receive the long-coveted invitation. And don't forget to put your signature, to legitimize the unprecedented act of canceling yourself out from the face of this Earth and from history.....
from one Macedonian patriot

Macedonian Political Organization in USA and Canada

The Macedonian political organization 1932,11th annual convention held in Cleveland,Ohio.

Delegates and visitors on parade demanding independence for Macedonia.

Thousands line the side walks to watch the parade od men,women and children,many in native costumes.
Floats,flags and placcerds tell their purpose."Independence for Macedonia"
"Macedonia for Macedonians"

Macedonian Baseball Team - winners of amateur championship at Indianapolis.

Croatians too ask freedom of Croatia and are the allies of the Macedonians.

Convention opens in Shrine auditorium with a mass meeting and a speech by P.G.Shaneff,President of Macedonian Political Organization.Macedonians against Sofia,Belgrade and Athens for United and Independent Macedonia-Salonica as a capital of Macedonia

12th Annual Convention of the MACEDONIAN POLITICAL ORGANIZATION of the United States and Canada.
Detroit,Michigan,September 3-4-5 1933

From North,South,East and West Macedonians are coming to Detroit-by Rail,Boat,Bus and Automobile.

Mr.Gel Alexandroff prefers airplane route.Here he starts to fly over Detroit.The sign on plane tells the story:INDEPENDENCE FOR MACEDONIA

Assembled in the front od county building, many in costumes with banners and slogans,Sons and Daughters of Macedonia are ready to march.


14th annual Convention of the Macedonian Political Organizations of the United States and Canada held in Akron,Ohio on the 1,2 and 3 of September 1935

Macedonians from all over the United States and Canada are gathered fro 14th annual convention of MPO.
They want to manifest their undying love for their country.

The Stars and Stripes - symbol of Justice and Liberty.
The Macedonian flag - meaning oppression and hard struggle for freedom and Independence.

This parade is on.lead by the American Legion Band.
The streets of Akron decorated for Macedonian Convention.


30th Annual Jubilee Macedonian Convention Columbus Ohio 1951
Macedonia for Macedonians